

श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता योग और भारतीय दर्शन का मूल ग्रंथ है। महाभारत के महान युद्ध की शुरुआत में ही श्री कृष्ण ने अर्जुन को यह सिखाया था। मुख्य नायक, अर्जुन खुद को एक ऐसी स्थिति में पाता है, जिसमें उसे अपने ही रिश्तेदारों और गुरुओं से लड़ना पड़ता है। दिल टूट गया, वह भगवान श्री कृष्ण से शिक्षा प्राप्त करता है, जो उनके सारथी के रूप में योग के रहस्यों को उजागर करता है। 18 अध्यायों में से प्रत्येक में योग का एक अलग तरीका सिखाया जाता है। अंत में, श्री कृष्ण ने उन्हें धर्म की रक्षा के लिए अपने कर्तव्य युद्ध को कभी नहीं छोड़ने के लिए मना लिया।

महर्षि वाल्मीकि का रामायण - बालकाण्ड

महर्षि वाल्मीकि का रामायण - बालकाण्ड - is the first episode of Rāmāyaṇa, composed by the sage Valmiki. This poem constitutes along with Mahābhārata one of the two main masterpiece of ancient Indian epics. In the Indian tradition it is referred to as ‘the first poem', and it is considered a model for the later Sanskrit poets. It tells about a nobel prince Rama, who as a result of a courtly intrigue in the capital city of the Ayodhya kingdom had to spent twelve yours in exhile along with her faithful consort Sita. After numerous vicissitudes and the victorious war with Ravana, ten-headed king of Sri Lanka, who had abducted his wife Sita, the prince triumphantly returnes to the country and regaine the throne as the ruler and ideal model for all sovereigns. He is a hero  the incarnation of god Vishnu and the ideal of virtues.

आदि शंकराचार्य की स्तोत्रावलि

आदि शंकराचार्य (c. 8-9 century) was one of the greatest philosophers of India and the great representative of the Advaita Vedānta school of Indian philosophy. His spiritual and philosophical wisdom found its expression both in his vast philosophical work and his poetry. The Hymns of Sankara are a collection of his unique poetry, addressed to the Shiva, the Goddess, Vishnu, or to the pure Self. They have been translated skillfully into Polish language capturing their unique beauty, metrics, rythm, poetic suggestion and sometimes also the original rhymes (like in the case of the hymn 'Bhaja Govindam'). The translation itself is the artistry of Polish poetry.


दुर्गा - विजयी देवी (श्रीदुर्गासप्तशती)  is a translation from Sanskrit as well as an elaboration of an Indian allegorical sacred text श्रीदुर्गासप्तशती  or Seven Hundred Stanzas on Goddess Durga.

It is the second after the Bhagavad Gita holy song of India. Chanted by millions of Indians during the Navaratri festival celebrated all over India when for nine days nine forms of the Goddess are worshipped in temporary temples erected for this purpose.

शिवस्वरोदयः प्राचीन स्वर विज्ञान

शिवस्वरोदय ः is a Sanskrit text on yoga translated into Polish. It focuses on the interconnection between the breath and the functioning of the human. Two breath flows – once more free through the right nostril, the other time through the left one, are related to the cycle of activity and quiescence of the vital functions. Svara-yoga, in other words, yoga of the stream of breath, is a description of how to interpret both types of breath, as well as how to control them. In addition, the book describes some other qualities of the breath. Proper breathing harmony combined with human activity, finds its reflection in efficiency at work and love, ensuring health and long life.

भोजराज पर अद््भुत कहानियां

भोजराज पर अद््भुत कहानियां (Untold Stories of King Bhoja / Niezwykłe opowieści o królu Bhodży constitutes a collection of stories within a story, whose hero is king Bhoja (Bhoja Rāja) – a keen enthusiast of the secret teachings and Yoga, fathomed them and at times also by trick from a wise man Sarpati. King Bhoja, despite numerous legends about him some of them described in this book, is a historical figure. He ruled in the town Dhar in Central India in the years 1010-1055, and became the author of about 80 books, the noteworthy being one of the most important subcommenary to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali titled Rāja-mārdaṇḍa (The Sun by the King). The present translation reveals the reality of life in ancient India and philosophy, blended with meaningful stories in which, like in the great epic of Mahābhārata, nothing happens without a reason.

क़िस्सा-ए-चार दरवेश

क़िस्स-ए-चार दरवेश by Amir Khusro is a Persian novel that first appeared in Polish literature as early as in 1859. Titled Padishah and Four Dervishes was a translation made by Alexander Chodźko. This version constitutes the original translation of the same novel, written in Hindi and assimilated into the Indian culture as a literary adaptation of the Urdu translation from Persian बाग़-ओ-बहार (Spring Garden).

Its style carries a strong resemblance to One Thousand and One Arabian Nights tales.

तान्त्रिक वाङ्मय में शाक्तदृष्टि

Shakta View in Tantrik Literature by Gopinath Kaviraj (1887-1976) contains philosophical articles of one of most prominent contemporary Indian philosophers and a yogi. The original text was written in the Hindi language and in 1965 awarded the prestigious prize of India’s National Academy of Letters (Sahitya Academy) for its significant input into the development of the modern Indian thought. This work, being the most authoritative depiction of the tantric thought, inspires and exhibits a fresh, new perspective of the human being and his evolution, unlike any previous publication. 

बाबा लोकनाथ। हिमालय के योगी के जीवन और उपदेश

Baba Loknath jest najbardziej niezwykłym joginem Bengalu z dziewiętnastego wieku. Jego długie życie - jak powszechnie się powiada twające 160 lat - przepełnione jest niezwykłym żarem ascezy i ćwiczeniami, prowadzonymi pod kierunkiem wielkiego uczonego, który sam własnej wiedzy nie mogąc praktycznie na sobie sprawdzić, wziął pod opiekę chłopca, by uczyć go swoją metodą. Skutkiem tego było nie tylko wyjątkowo długie życie Loknatha, ale osiągnięcie nadprzyrodzonych mocy.
Książka jest opisem duchowej praktyki Baby Loknatha i nauk, które pięknie opisał zamiłowany w nim bengalski autor. 
